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Learn about dark mode in Snapchat on Android

The Dark Mode on Snapchat – have you ever imagined how the app would look if you activated this feature? Follow the article by “the engineer tech” to learn more about this feature, which has recently been introduced for free, and how to apply it.

Snapchat was the first to introduce the concept of “Stories,” where you post a picture for a certain period of time, along with other features that we first saw through it, such as deleting messages from both sides. Despite the similarities between apps today in many features, Snapchat still maintains its large user base.

“Dark Mode on Snapchat is now available for free!

It’s worth mentioning that the majority of Snapchat users are on the Android system. However, the parent company’s focus seemed to be on iOS systems, perhaps for some reason. A clear example of this is the introduction of Dark Mode on Snapchat. The company initially released it for iPhone users in 2021. Unfortunately, this simple feature wasn’t supported for Android device owners.

But the surprise came at the beginning of this year (2023). The Dark Mode feature was finally extended to the Google operating system. However, it was only accessible to “Snapchat Plus” subscribers. This is despite the fact that it was freely available on iOS systems and also on the web version.

Responding to user requests, the American company has thankfully rolled out an update for Android systems several hours ago. This update includes support for Dark Mode on Snapchat, and it’s available for free without a monthly subscription. The company released this update silently, and it was coincidentally discovered by users.”

How to Enable the Dark Mode on Android?

Snapchat has hidden the dark Mode in Snapchat for some reason, as we mentioned earlier, on Android and iOS devices. However, here’s how you can activate the dark mode option by ensuring that you update the app to the latest version from the app store and follow the steps below:

1. Open the app after installing it on your Android device.
2. Then tap on the icon of the personal page at the top left of the Snapchat application.
3. Click on the gear icon to access the app’s settings.
4. Choose “App Appearance” from the settings menu.
5. Select “Always Dark” or “Dark Mode.”
6. Finally, press “Restart Now” for the application.
7. The Snapchat app’s interface will then switch to the dark appearance after activation, as shown in the following images.


Currently, if you have an Android device, take advantage of the dark mode in Snapchat update, which enhances this feature in various ways, especially during conversations with someone. The white background can strain the eyes.

The company that owns the application strives to remain innovative in the tech scene. This was evident before when they introduced the chatbot feature on Snapchat as part of the premium monthly subscription. However, we cannot classify the dark mode as a recent addition since it has been available for several years. Nonetheless, it is certainly a notable and beneficial addition. It might even lead to users of Android devices reconsidering the need for the paid monthly subscription, as the primary benefit it offered was enabling the dark mode.

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